How to Make Paper Mache Plate

Paper Mache Plate Making Handmade Instructions

Paper Mache Plate this is a very simple project to teach you the basics of Papier Mache and it involves the process known as layering, by which strips of paper are laid on top of one another to form a strong paper shell. The plate is decorated in bold, cheerful colors, and it is sealed with two coats of clear gloss varnish. Although you should not put wet things on it, the plate would hold fruit or something similar, or it could be hung on a wall as a decorative plaque. You could make several, painting them to match the color scheme of a bedroom or the kitchen.

Tools and Materials

  • A plastic plate
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Paper
  • Wallpaper paste or watered-down PVA adhesive
  • Blunt knife or palette knife
  • Scissors
  • Fine sandpaper
  • Poster paints
  • Black Indian ink
  • Clear gloss varnish
1 paper mache art

Step Number 1

Grease the plate you are using as your mold with a thin layer of petroleum jelly. This will make it easy to release the finished plate shape from the mold when it has dried. Tear the paper into strips about in. (2.5 cm) wide and long enough to stretch across the plate with about 1 in. (2.5 cm) hanging over the edge of each side.

2 mache plate instructions

Step Number 2

Coat the first strip of paper with wallpaper paste or watered-down PVA, and lay it in the mold, taking care to smooth out any creases or air bubbles. Continue to lay pasted strips of paper across the plate, covering the edge of the last strip you have put in position with the new piece.

Step Number 3

3 paper plate handmade

When you have completely covered the mold with the first layer of pasted paper, lay a second layer of strips across the plate, in the opposite direction to the first. This will ensure that the Papier Mache is good and strong. Continue to cover the plate with layers of posted paper in this way, until you have completed eight layers. Then leave your plate to dry for 48 hours in a warm, dry place.

Step Number 4

4 paper mache tray

When the Papier Mache is dry, put the blade of a blunt knife or of a palette knife under the edge of the Paper where it meets the rim of the mold, and gently press it away. Because you greased the plastic plate with petroleum jelly, the paper should come away quite easily. Your paper shape will probably be a bit damp underneath, so lay it down in a warm place to dry for a few hours.

5 papier mache

Step Number 5

When the Papier Mache Is dry, use a pair of scissors to trim the edge neatly back to within (5 mm) of the rim.

6 paper tray diy

Step Number 6

The cut edge will need sealing. Toke o strip of paper about 1 in. (2.5 cm) wide, cover it with paste or glue, and carefully wrap it over the edge, tearing it off at the other side. Repeat this process until you have sealed all around the edges of your plate. Leave the plate to dry overnight on a wire cake rack.

7 paper mache painted plate

Step Number 7

Rub down the dry plate gently with fine sandpaper, paying special attention to the sealed edge, which may be a bit lumpy. When it is smooth, give your plate two coats of white paint, allowing the first coat to dry before you add the second. Let the paint dry for an hour or so after the second coat is applied.

8 paper antique

Step Number 8

Draw a design on the plate with pencil and start to fill in the color. You will probably have to use two layers of paint to get a good, deep color. Don’t forget to paint the back as well!

9 papier mache wall plate

Step Number 9

Allow your painted plate to dry for 4 hours, and then outline your design with black Indian ink. Let the plate dry overnight.

Step Number 10

10 paper mache decorative plate

Give the finished two coats of clear glass varnish. You will probably have to paint the front of the plate and let it dry before you can varnish the back. Allow the first coat of varnish of each, side of the plate to dry before you add the second. Remember to wash your varnishing brush with soap and water when you have finished the work of Paper Mache plate making the plate completed.

paper mache plate

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